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“Do you know the Norman Abbeys ?”


Whether you are a visitor or a resident of Normandy, whether you know our region very well or very little, you will find here more than 35 abbeys, as well as over 10 sites in the surrounding areas (castles, churches, cathedrals…).
Whether it is the Romanesque style, the Gothic style or another, with a monastic garden, a 3D discovery tool on the iPad or workshops for children, or a gift shop where you will be able to find high-quality products, or if you wish to enjoy silence or monastic chants, the Norman Abbeys are all unique and each of them is worth the trip…

From the Mont Saint-Michel to the confines of the Ile-de-France, you will never be far from one of them.  So let’s go !


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Norman Abbeys
Norman Abbeys

Abbayes de Normandie - Route historique
28, rue Raymond Aron
BP 52
76824 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex

+33 (0)2 35 12 41 60
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