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Discover an abbey at night

Several abbeys offer night-time visits at certain times of the year.

La Lucerne Abbey in the Manche department offers tours under torch light, a fun way to discover this charming place, situated not too far from Mont Saint-Michel.
Contact the abbey to learn more details about these visits !

As part of the “Pierres en Lumières” [Stones under Lights] event, Saint-Martin de Mondaye Abbey in Calvados offers a night-time stroll in the abbey, illuminated by candles.
Upcoming dates:
Contact the abbey to learn more

As part of the “Pierres en Lumières” [Stones under Lights] event, Saint-Gabriel Priory in Calvados offers night-time walks around the Priory.
Upcoming dates:
Contact the priory to learn more

Norman Abbeys
Norman Abbeys

Abbayes de Normandie - Route historique
28, rue Raymond Aron
BP 52
76824 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex

+33 (0)2 35 12 41 60
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