The rebirth of an abbey
Its name evokes its origins: its foundation by the knight Herluin, or Hellouin, on the banks of the Bec (bekkr, or stream, of Scandinavian origin) in the early 11th century. Very quickly, the intellectual influence of Bec Abbey spread, thanks to Lanfranc and Saint Anselm, both of whom later became Archbishop of Canterbury. After the French Revolution, it became a horse stable for the army. Since 1948, monastic life has returned, thanks to a community of Olivetan Benedictine monks, who in an ecumenical spirit reach out to representatives from other faiths.
The walk down to this small valley is truly delightful, with the Saint Nicholas Tower rising above and seeming to protect the small village tucked next to the abbey. One can stroll under the large trees, amid the ruins of the old abbey church, or browse through the shop, looking at the ceramics made by the monks. But it is even better to join a guided tour led by one of the monks in order to see and understand the abbey better.
Of particular note, along the banks of the Bec, are two Maurist buildings, the dormitory and the refectory, the latter of which is now the church and contains Herluin’s tomb. In the Regency style, their sober façades are animated by sculpted pediments and cartouches.
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