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You are here : Home » Discover » Abbeys » Soligny-la-Trappe Abbey

The order of strict observance

The place name, which evokes an animal trap, is indicative of the isolation desired by these Cistercian monks, who made an ideal of stepping away from the world and accepting the extremely strict requirements of a life dedicated to prayer and work.
Founded in the 12th century by a Norman lord, Rotrou II, La Trappe was reformed and gained fame in the 17th century thanks to Abbé de Rancé. Initially, he was a commendatory abbot, personally drawing large revenues from the abbey, but then he decided to withdraw from the world. Becoming aware of the laxity of morals within the monastery, he sold his worldly goods, took vows and introduced the rule of strict observance, re-establishing the principles of austerity found in the Rule of Saint Benedict, from which the monastery had gradually moved away. . .

The abbey was rebuilt in the 19th century in the neo-Gothic style. Visitors are allowed to attend services, from matins at 4:45 a.m. to compline at 8:15 p.m. (a detailed schedule is available upon request), and can purchase a wide variety of religious items in the shop.

Practical InformationAddress : Abbaye de la Trappe 61380 Soligny-la-Trappe
: 02 33 84 17 00
: Contact
Website : View Website

Free entrance


Masses with chants :
-Vigil at 4:45 a.m
- Mass at 7:15 a.m. (weekdays) or 10:30 a.m. (Sundays and holidays).
- Vespers 6:15 p.m. (weekdays) or 5:00 p.m. (Sundays and holidays).

Norman Abbeys
Norman Abbeys

Abbayes de Normandie - Route historique
28, rue Raymond Aron
BP 52
76824 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex

+33 (0)2 35 12 41 60
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